Why do people think the poor are ruining our country?

       I find it odd that people attack the poor for asking for a living wage. I find it odd that a poor person is demonized for getting food stamps or heat assistance.  I find it odd that people complain about a poor family getting a large income tax check. Why are the poor being so scrutinized?

How many poor people write checks to lobby a politicians? How many poor people have money in tax havens to avoid paying taxes? How many poor people can pay $10,000 to sit at a dinner in order to get an audience with a politician? How many poor people write bills that are brought to the floor of Congress for a vote? How many poor people are convicted of ripping people off for millions? Killing their retirement? Draining their nest egg? NONE.

Most working poor are making $9 or less. They are working 40-60 hours a week trying to care for their family. Yet these are the people that are destroying America. These are the greedy ones because they want a living wage. They are working for Wal-Mart, McDonald’s and other large Corporations. Corporations making billions of dollars a year in profits but cannot afford to pay $10 or $11 an hour. Paying upper management a couple million or billion dollars a year and giving out major bonuses. I am sorry, that is the greedy fools on Wall Street and the Financial Sector who decimated our economy. But it is the poor who are getting to much.

These same people who complain about the poor support Republicans. Believe our country is moving away from the Constitution. They believe that the Free Market is in the Constitution. In fact they do not know anything about the Constitution except part of the Second Amendment. These are people who are lower middle class, which the Republicans destroyed. They believe the American Dream is dead because of Democrats, President Obama giving everything to the poor. These poor ignorant fools know oh so little.

Republicans want to abolish the minimum wage, they voted against the VAWA, they voted against every jobs bill and short changed the Administration every chance they had. They have blocked more Presidential nominees than ever before and have passed less bills than any other Congress. Did the poor do this? Did the poor create and give millions of dollars to SUPER PACS? It has to be the poor, right? It couldnt be the party that Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck support. Those really loud Tea Party people say President will take our guns. The poor have alot to do with that as well.

Class warfare has taken an ugly turn. The less poor are now attacking the lower poor. People are not concerned about the rich fleecing us. But are upset about another poor person getting more than them. This is what Conservatives want. They want the peasants fighting amongst themselves. I know the $80 billion used for welfare hurts our country more than the $200 billion used for corporate welfare. Yes, these billion dollar corporations get subsidized by your tax dollars, then get large bonuses but cannot afford to pay $10 an hour. Seriously, before you speak, THINK. RESEARCH and LEARN. Spouting what FOX NEWS says is ignorant. Considering they went to court to make it ok to falsify news. And won. HAHA! I bet the poor had a lot to do with it.

The Republican government shutdown.

           I spent yesterday awestruck at how people would blame President Obama for this shutdown. As odd as it sounds these people are saying Republicans are doing the right thing. Shutting down the government to shutdown a law you don’t like is incredible. The ACA is law and that will not change. Why is helping people get affordable health care such a problem?

Republicans want to negotiate, at the last minute. The 18 times Democrats tried to negotiate and go to conference since April were apparently not good enough. Republicans shot it down everytime. Why negotiate at the last minute? To fool gullible Americans into thinking they care. They are not negotiating, they are trying to force an issue through hurting the American people and economy. That is not governing, I don’t know what it is. Sadly people buy into this.

Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and all these other right wing radio host spread hate. They dislike President Obama’s policies, so they spew vitriol in order to polarize the public that listens to them. They spread lies about the ACA, which host Chuck Todd said the main stream media does not need to correct. Isnt the media a vehicle for the public to learn the truth or is it just a vehicle to spread Republican rhetoric. Sadly it seems to be the latter. They, those who are closest to the mess that is Congress know the truth. But the truth doesn’t seem to matter.

The American public is being duped by a party of hate. This is a party that was against medicare, social security, food stamps, extending unemployment, the Veterans Jobs Bill and VAWA. Isn’t it obvious that these people do not care about the American public. These are the people who give rich farmers free money, $200 billion to corporate welfare and believe corporations are people that aren’t governed by the same laws as people. This is a party controlled by corporate interests. The Tea Party was created by the Koch brothers, who have ties to the NRA and ALEC. How is that grassroots?

Republicans were giddy about shutting the government down, their own words. Michelle Bachman came out and said how proud she was of the stand they are taking. Do they not realize they lost the election? The people spoke, overwhelmingly in favor of the ACA and President Obama. Get over yourselves and move on. Govern our country and stop holding the people hostage. America does not negotiate with terrorists. Especially ones in our own government.

Republicans are harmful to America.

                    Republicans have gone out of their way over the last 5 years to make President Obama look bad. In the process they have hurt the American people and the way the rest of the world views us. It is a party of whiners who throw pity parties when they lose and do not accept anything unless it agrees 100% with their party agenda.

They are against Immigration Reform. They subscribe to the theory that all of them should be deported. In fact Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney believed in self deportation. They do not agree with a Path to Citizenship, saying it is amnesty. Didnt Ronald Reagan do Immigration Reform somewhat like this?

Republicans have obviously declared war on women. They refused to vote for VAWA, because it protected Native Americans, among other things. State after state governed by Republicans have declared war on Reproductive Rights. One restrictive Abortion ban after another, yet there has been a grand total of ZERO jobs created by the Republican majority in the House.

Supporting banks that hurting homeowners through illegal practices. Siding with the NRA on the Gun Control issue. Railing against the Supreme Court DOMA decision, voting to repeal the ACA 37 times. Cutting funding for embassy guards then blaming the Benghazi incident on Hillary Clinton. This list of offenses against the people of the United States goes on and on.

Democrats, while not anywhere near perfect, have done a lot more for the people than Republicans. Republicans conservative agenda hurts America and every state they are in the majority. If women’s uteruses were jobs women would be safe from Republicans and their lobbyist masters.

2014 elections, important to keep our economy and improving.

            Midterm elections typically have a small turnout. For some reason people do not see the importance of the midterms. If you get out to vote you give your party a chance to move their agenda forward. Thing is if you don’t get out and vote, the other party can push their agenda.

           Why is that a bad thing? Well for normal average everday Americans it is very important. After the debacle that was the Bush Presidency and the obstruction of the Republican party, the only way to help the poor and middle class is to vote Democrat. Democrats have been pushing an agenda that helps average American. They are helping women to, college kids, the poor, middle class, the military and the economy. President Obama’s policies have the Stock Market above 15,000, which never happened before and the Unemployment Rate below 8%. Jobs are being created and consumer confidence is rising.

What have Republicans done for our country over the last 5 years? Well their obstruction has caused the economy to recover slowly, they cut President Obama’s stimulus package basically in half, a package that would have created about 1 million jobs, they also killed his Jobs Bill, one that they support in pieces but not together. They were looking to impeach him 7 weeks into his first term. Voted against VAWA, then said they voted for it, voted against Raising the Federal Minimum Wage, which they voted to raise 3 times under Bush and voted against Gun Control, which the overwhelming majority of Americans support.

I hope I have made it clear why these midterms in particular are important. Many Americans will be devasted financially if Republicans get the majority in the Senate. We will end up in another war, where many of Our soldiers will be killed. Please no voter apathy this time, your neighbors kids life is in your hands.

Our government is in sad shape.

                    When a Senator, in this case Republican Darreell Issa, calls the White House a group of liars partisanship has hit its peak. I am not naive enough to believe that the government tells us the truth about everything. But I do believe there are a lot of things citizens shouldn’t know. For a sitting Senator to expect the government to reveal any top secret document to the public is naive.

Our government is in a state of constant chaos. They cannot agree on anything, even when they do agree, they change their mind at the last moment. Immigration Reform should happen and is close to happening, but Republican Senators are trying to force a last minute amendment into it, possibly creating a problem with passage. Typical Republican move to push further and further in an attempt to get what they want at the expense of a bill not passing.

Republicans voted unanimously against Raising the Minimum Wage, voted against VAWA, voted against Gun Reform, voted for the Sequester, despite blaming President Obama. They are trying to cut SNAP Benefits, trying to keep Tax Cuts for the wealthy. The Republican party does not work for the majority. They work for lobbyist like the NRA, which funneled almost $400, 000 to the Senators who voted against the Manchin/Toomey Universal Background Check Bill. That was in less than a month.

To vote against American interests in favor of money is bordering on treasonous. Beck and Oreilly say that President Obama is out of control, but take 5 minute and review that facts. Leave the media opinion out of it a mg d review just the facts. The facts point out that Republicans are the root cause of many of our problems. They are the reason our economy has taken so long to recover. They are almost single handedly the cause of our National Debt, look at Bush Tax Cuts.

I know I have beaten this into the ground, but the Republican party is pushing itself into obscurity. They are taking a more extreme stance everyday. They reek of desperation and their attempts to make a scandal out of everything is sad. But they have the support of people who just don’t like President Obama. They don’t know his policies, they just dislike him. Sounds bogus to me.

Greed and America.

           Republicans speek of the Free Market as if it were miraculous. They try to sell the rest of the population how important it is and how it goes hand and hand with the American way of life. They do not mention that many suffer horribly because of the greed involved in the Free Market. A market where profits outweigh common sense.

            Republicans and conservatives believe regulations cripple the Free Market. They neglect to mention that capitalism in its true form nearly sank our economy and that these believers in the “Free Market” were the first to bail these companies out. That doesn’t sound like a Free Market to me, that sounds like tax payers subsidizing Private Enterprises. That there is a bit of Socialism.

             Yes I said that evil word, socialism. Republicans only believe in anything when it works for their needs. Look at how they are attacking our voting rights across the nation, can’t win fair,  they cheat. These same Republicans who so fiercely support capitalism and the Free Market give corporations almost $200 billion a year in corporate welfare. Yet they attack the $80 billion spent on Food Assistance for low income Americans. Each dollar of that $80 gets a return of $1.84 into the economy.

                The Free Market and Capitalism are just words used to cover their true agenda. At first this may sound conspiracy like,  but read and put it together. In each state Republicans are gerrymandering and attempting to make it harder for poor folk to vote. They vote against gun reform, which is strongly supported by Americans. Are against gay marriage, support the Sequester, voted against VAWA, are attempting to cut SNAP benefits, voted against Sandy Relief, want to Privatize Social Security and Public Schools and want to cut Medicare. Please remember this is just a partial list. Why would they these things and who do they affect? Mind you they voted no to raising taxes on corporations and wealthy people.

               This is class warfare. They are attacking the weak, those who cannot politically protect themselves. An American voices their political opinion through voting. Republicans believe if they can control who votes the country is theirs. Their vision for America is not a Democracy with civil liberties, but a religious State controlled by a few. If you are reading this you already realize there is something wrong. If they get their e
Way we will live in something that resembles a Dictatorship.

              I am a Liberal Democrat, but I am ashamed to say that many of these Democrats are our only bastion of hope. They do not stand united and turn their backs on President Obama. We need strong leaders who will protected our Democracy. We need strong leaders to keep Republicans honest and to limit the power money has on our government. Lobbying needs to be limited. We also need to realize that there are people worldwide and in our country that want to harm us. Please do not incite these lunatics with ill thought out rhetoric.

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The good, the bad, the Republicans.

          There have been many bleak moments in the wake of the Great Recession. These are moments when you wonder if Republicans have a soul left. As a whole their morals have been compromised and right and wrong seem to mean little to them. Not just Republican lawmakers but their supporters as well. You cannot disagree or debate without them calling you names and veering from fact into supposition to blatant lies.

                   Republicans attacked then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over the Benghazi tragedy. But while attacking and blaming her they neglected to mention that they cut close to a half billion dollars out of the amount the Obama administration asked for to guard embassies. They say it was not a pressing issue. But it is when they have a chance to tarnish her image. Paul Ryans budgets and their blatant attacks on the poor, while cutting taxes for the rich. His budget repeals Obamacare yet keeps the money it saves to balance his budget, seriously.

               The blatantly lie to the American people. Republicans voted against VAWA yet tell people they voted for it, we can look these things up. They have tried to block, through the filibuster, anything Obama has tried to do. Yet they claim that they don’t abuse the filibuster, they have used it more with him in office than at any other time in history. They forced the Sequester, blamed Obama, yet said that it was what they wanted. Voted against raising the minimum wage, equal pay for women, and Obamas Jobs Bill. In the 2 years they held the majority in the House they created zero jobs, in fact they caused more job losses.

           But the absolute kicker is the Manchin/Toomey Gun Bill. This basically gave them everything they wanted, 90% of the American people wanted it, yet Republicans and 5 Democrats voted to filibuster it. These would have appeased the public. Yet they say they didn’t like it because it might create a gun registry. That us a LIE! OUTRIGHT BLATANT LIE! It explicitely said that anyone, federal agents included, caught creating a gun registry would get 15 years in prison.

           Universal Background Checks, Assault Weapon Bans and High Capacity Magazines were all shot down. This after 20 kids were shot at Sandy Hook. The parents of the children spoke to Senators and the Senators still voted along corporate lines. Now many are not even speaking with the parents now. What does that say about the morals of our esteemed leaders. They know they are wrong yet continue to do it. The indifference of good men creates greater evil.

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President Obama’s first hundred days of second term.

               President Obama’s first 100 days in office during this term has been pretty full. His attempts to get gun control passed, only to be halted by the obstructionist Republicans. He came out in support of gay marriage, VAWA, attempting to raise the minimum wage and eaqual pay for women. Every step has been met with Republican resistance.

               The Manchin/Toomey Gun Bill was a bipartisan piece of legislation that was decimated by Republicans and a handful of Democrats. Senator Harry Reid dropper the ball on filibuster reform. Tie filibuster has been a thorn in President Obamas side for 4 years and 100 days. It is near impossible to pass a bill when you need 60 votes just to talk about it.

                VAWA was a big issue that Republicans voted against, then said that they voted for it. He starts making a budget and the Republicans object to it before they know whats in it. They stick with Paul Ryans joke budget, that is filled with fake math.

           We had the Boston Marathon bombing, the first terrorist attack on the U.S. under his watch. They were picked up within 5 days and authorities just arrested 3 more people in connection to that. Although they are not arrested for taking part, bit for removing items from the Dzhokhar’s room.

           I think the biggest problem is the Sequester. President Obama told the Republicans it would have negative affects on the economy, jobs and the American people. They can’t agree with Democrats on anything but get a bill done to halt airport delays in less than 2 weeks. President Obama should find other ways to inconvenience conservatives to get more things done. The Republicans subscribe to austery all of a sudden, look at Europe to see how that works.

            It has been a tough first hundred days. But President Obama is a good man, as well as a good President. He will get these things done, or will just take time. He has tried to work with Republicans, they inherently refuse. There cannot be a one sided compromise. The next hundred days will he stronger and things will get done.


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Republicans are afraid of President Obama’s political arm.

               President Obama’s political machine has run over and through his Republican counterparts. Republicans are fretting that it could help Democrats win the House next year. The Presidents political arm, Organizing for Action, can’t legally spend most of its money on elections. Officials insist it won’t play directly in the 2014 midterm elections. Republicans of course, think that’s a lie. They are convinced the OFA will find other, indirect ways to help Democrats capture the House and allow Obama to finish his presidency unchecked by Republicans.

                President Obama recently told a grass roots group springing out of his campaign that they can play an equally powerful role in helping  his ambitious second term agenda come to fruition. Addressing, the fledgling group OFA for the first time, he sought to temper concerns among Republicans and good governance groups that questioned whether the groupeas really seeking to help Democrats recapture the House in 2014. Why that would matter is beyond me. Republicans are constantly getting money from special interest and billionaires, why would this concern them.

              Hours earlier President Obama held a meeting with the House Republicans aimed at laying the ground work for compromise. He said that he sensed a genuine desire among Republicans to get things done. He said that many Republicans are just as weary of the grinding gridlock that has ground any progress on major fiscal issues to a halt.

                  Recently the RNC released its “Growth and Oppurtunity Project”, a document that RNC chairman Reince Priebus about his partys 2012 failings. It was also called an autopsy. It seemed to throw the party and its supporters into absolute chaos. Rush Limbaugh insisted Republicans remain as conservative as ever. Evangical leaders worried that a modernizing GOP may alienateits Christian base. Why? A political party needs to evolve its ideas to stay relevant or they will hlfind themselves in the dustbin of history. Conservative commentater, David Frum,  lamented the lack of new policy ideas in the document.

            Tie goal of the recent one day Obama Campaign Legacy Conference wad to rethink the mechanics of American politics. Campaigns usually scatter the day after the election, many think that is wasteful. All the mire so with a team that produced 155 million door knocks, phone calls and 1.8 million new voter registrations,  not to mention 332 Electoral College votes. So OFA wants to continue these tactics. Running ads in districts that data shows Republicans are out of step with constituentson Gun Control, as well as other issues. The OFA will use well well honed campaign tactics to achieve policy goals.

               The Republican party would not be in as much election trouble if they did more for the people. They continuously side with special interest groups, lobbyist and whoever gives them the most money. The people seem to suffer with every decision they make, Sequester, VAWA, Universal Background Checks, Raising Minimum Wage and Equal Pay for Women to name a few. But they help pass a bill that stops airport delays, which affects lawmakers, and are fighting the SEc on corporations disclosing political donations. Not to mention their Super Pacs and campaign donations from large corporations. To me this would just level the playing field.

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Why is the Republican party becoming irrelevant?

              It is s good question and the RNCs autopsy exposed some of them. They document said that they Republican party needs to focus on getting more involved with minorities, most importantly Latinos. What Republicans seemed to miss is that the autopsy didn’t cover any important issues.

                 The Republicans problems run deep. They are weak on policy, weaker on the economy and absolutely horrible when it comes to women. There hasn’t been a Republican policy that the majority of people have backed. In fact 90% of the people supported Universal Background checks, which Republicans shot down almost unanimously. What exactly have the conservatives done for our economy? It is almost universally agreed that the Republican obstruction has made our recovery more difficult. Women, just look up legitimate rape, Equal Pay for Women and VAWA. Republicans and the Tea Party voted against equal pay for women and VAWA.

                  They say that President Obama and the Democrats refuse to reach across the aisle. Although the Manchin/Toomey Gun Bill was bipartisan. President Obama taking Republicans to dinner to try to break the gridlock. Republicans do not care to work for the people, they work for their corporate sponsors. Each one of the Republican Senators that voted against Universal Background Checks recieved donations from the gun lobby. They are more afraid of the NRA then the people who put them in office.

                   For the Republican party to remain relevant in politics today they need to change their policies. Policies get people involved not talking points. When the Republican party does this, that is when they may gain support from not just minorities, but everyone.

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