The first day of trout.

               Today was opening day for trout in Luzerne County, Pa. People were walking away after catching their limit in under an hour. I saw a guy with a brook trout that was about 20 inches. For the first 2 hours people were yanking them out one right after another. At about 1030 it ended and by the time we latter, 3 hours later, no one was catching anything.

               I went with my brother and his girlfriends kid. The little boy cast out and caught a 7 inch small mouth bad in less than a minute. He caught another little one about 15 minutes later and that was it for him. We there for about an hour when my brother caught a guppy (really small bass), and that was it for him. After 1030 they did not get another bite.

              I was learning how to fly fish today. First time doing it and it was a mess at times. Casting was a little difficult, but I got the hang of it as the day went on. From 815-1030 I had about 7 bites, I caught one 7 inch small mouth bass. I was having a difficult time setting the hook and it caused me to lose at least 5 fish. It was a learning experience, I did have a good time.

               So all in all day one was a wash, enjoyable, but a wash. It was the first time I ever went for opening day of trout season. The park rangers said it was the first day catch in quite a few years. So maybe my next day will very better, lop, I am a fish repeller.

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