Governor Rick Perry calls a special session to force through new abortion laws.

                    Governor Rick Perry called a special session to talk about redistricting. Most political observers predicted that the special session would soon turn into a huge fight over abortion. Guess what, they were right. Perry, on Tuesday, added legislation relating to the regulation of abortion procedures, providers and facilities to the special session call. They also added consideration of mandatory life sentences for 17 year old capital offenders.

In a Tuesday press release Perry was perfectly clear which of the issues he is most concerned with, writing in part; The horrors of the National Late Term Abortion industry are continuing to come to light, one atrocity at a time. Sadly, some of those atrocities happen in our own state. In Texas, we all value life and we worked to cultivate a culture that supports the birth of every child. We have an obligation to protect unborn children and to hold those who peddle those abortions to standards that would minimize the death, disease and pain they cause.

The anti-abortion bills on the table are extensive. One bill would require every clinic that provides abortions or even prescribes the abortion pill, to conform to the standards of an ambulatory surgical center. Another Bill would drastically limit access to medical abortions by forcing the woman to have a sonogram before hand. They would have to take both pills in front of a doctor and see their physician for a follow up in 2 weeks. They are medically unnecessary and designed to make medical abortions harder to get. Perry is bullush on the bill that bans abortions at 20 weeks.

The last session before the special session was marked largely by the fact that no one on either side wanted to fight about abortion. All of these bills were killed in committee or petered out on the House and Senate floors. By temporarily changing the legislative rules of procedure the bills have a much better chance of passing. The Lt. Governor plans to suspend Senate procedural rules that give Democrats a strong voice in legislative debates.

Sadly this is going on in all states governed by Republicans. Anywhere they have the majority they are pushing nullification and amping up the Anti-Abortion fight. Democrats seem powerless to stop them, even though they have the U.S. Constitution on their side. That is the one arguement that can end this insanity. According to the Constitution Federal law is the law of the land and nullification is illegal. President Obama is attempting to dissuade these lunatics, but they hate him and can’t see reason.

Representative Louie Gohmert believes women should carry a brain dead fetus to term.

              Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Tx) believes thar females should carry all pregnancies to term even if doctors discover the fetus has brain damage. Rep Gohmert supports a 20 week ban on abortion, even in cases of rape, incest, when the mothers health is in danger or when the fetus has a debilitating or fatal disability. Gohmert is not the first politician to suggest that a women should carry a severely disabled fetus to term. Georgia State Rep. Terry England compared women to farm animals.

England said in response to carrying a fetus to term that was not expected to live “Life gives us many experiences. I’ve had the experience of delivering calves, dead and alive- delivering pigs, dead and alive. It breaks our hearts to see those animals not make it.” REALLY? This is the best comparison you can come up with. REALLY? A baby delivered, dead is comparable to an animal. I would hate to see how hev treats his kids. Does ge feed them in a trough? Let them take mud paths and wallow in their own sh*t? REALLY? Typical Republican ridiculousness.

Even though medical experts have warned Republican lawmakers that cutting off legal abortion access at 20 weeks will force more women to carry non viable fetuses to term, several states have passed “fetal pain” bans over the last several years. When Arizona passed this type of measure in 2012, the volunteer organizations that counsel women whose children die from fatal fetal defects braced for the influx of new families dealing with that grief. When the restrictive law ended up in court opponents pointed out that its cruel to require women to give birth to children just to watch them die, Arizona defended its abortion ban by claiming those fetal abnormalities are the women’s problem. But the state wants to take away the solution to the problem, by forcing them to have a disabled child and not giving them any assistance. Insane, is the first word that came to my mind.

Arizona’s abortion ban was struck down by a panel of judges. It thankfully spared women in that state from the potentially devastating effects of giving birth to a dead child. Obviously it hasn’t deterred Republicans and pro-life politicians. Arizona Rep Trent Franks (R), has reapeatedly pushed for a 20 week abortion ban for the District of Columbia, recently announced he intends to expand H.R. 1797 to apply to all states.

Why don’t Republicans realize they are stomping on the U.S. Constitution, this is law. Roe v. Wade was decided in the U.S. Supreme Court and is the law of the land. Maybe they should concern themselves with creating more jobs than dictating to women’s uteruses, then the Democrats wouldn’t have to govern our country alone. But then again it seems there are very few things that unite Republicans, no raising taxes, not helping the poor, giving money to the rich, banning abortion and their hatred of President Obama. Now if they would unite on fixing the economy and creating jobs we would be doing great.

Abortion, it is their choice to make, make your own choices.

                  Abortion was determined legal by the U.S. Supreme Court. The Roe v. Wade decision, regardless of how you feel about it, is a Federal Law, which makes it a Constitutional Law. Federal Law according to the Constitution is the law of the land, it supersedes all State Laws. Abortion is legal until the fetus reaches viability, which is typically 23-25 weeks, it then becomes illegal unless the mothers life is in danger. This is the law, pro-lifers and Republicans don’t like it so they try skirt it.

Who are we to make a choice for someone else. Republicans, conservatives and gun nuts fly off the handle when the government tries any form of Gun Control but are glad to tell a women what she can do with her uterus. We do not have the right to tell anyone what to do with their body. Republicans don’t like the Mayor of New York saying what size sodas people can buy, but they are fine telling a woman her right to choice does not exist.

I do not claim to be an expert on this, but why do Republicans get upset about being dictated to, but are fine doing it to others. I do not have a real stance on abortion, I believe in our laws and Constitution. Laws are put into place to keep the order, Republicans don’t like the abortion law so they break it trying to make their own. Would it be ok for a pot smoker to dislike pot being illegal so they decide to make a new law that applies to their property and home. Sounds silly, but it is a smaller scale of what Republicans are doing.

President Obama and Democrats realize that if abortion is made illegal, women will get illegal abortions. As a member of the U.S. Government your religious beliefs cannot be pushed on others. That is in the 1st Amendment, clear as can be. You cannot toss the Constitution out the window if it doesn’t work for you and bring it back when it does. Our founding fathers did not create it to be used when it is convenient.

Anti-abortion laws 2013.

Since 2010 10 states have passed outright bans on abortions on pregnant women over 20 weeks. Nebraska started the trend of 20 week abortion bans April, 2010. In 2011, Alabama, Indiana, Kansas, Idaho and Oklahoma followed suit. In 2012 Arizona, Georgia, and Louisiana passed their own laws. Arkansas became the first to pass an abortion ban this year. Under the Arkansas Heart Beat Protection Act, which is scheduled to go into effect this summer, women seeking an abortion who are at least 12 weeks will be required to undergo an ultrasound. If a heart beat is detected the abortion will not be permitted. State Senator Jason Rapert, who authored the law, believes they have struck the right balance. He notes that the measure includes exceptions for rape, incest, to save the life of the mother and to prevent irreparable harm to the mothers health. It also gives an exception for fatal fetal anomalies. The law includes jail time for doctors who violate the law, but no penalties to women who seek or undergo an illegal abortion. Governor Mike Beebe attempted to veto the law, but he was overridden by other lawm makers. Rapert also plans to intriduce another measure. This measure is popular among Republicans and pro-lifers. He would like to ban from allowing officials from allowing any state or federal funds from flowing to organizations that perform abortions, namely Planned Parenthood. If successful Arkansas would join Colorado, North Carolina, Ohio ,Texas and Washington as states that have blocked funding to Planned Parenthood. Beebe vetoed the law because the controlling law is not the Arkansas legislatures declaration of when a womens choice ends and the states begins. The controlling law is the U.S. CONSTITUTION. That means that the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision is Constitutionsl Law. The Roe v. Wade decision says that women have a right under the U.S. Constitution to terminate their pregnancies. The court reaffirmed this in 1992, by recognizing a womans right to have an abortion before viability and to obtain it without undue interference from the state. Viability has nothing to do with a heart beat, it is the point a fetus can survive outside the womb. Today viability is 23 or 24 weeks. So as Republicans and the Tea Party say they are Constitutional protectors, it is actually Democrats that are protecting it. The Republican party attempts to forcefeed us their thoughts regardless of what the Constitution says. It is the womens right, end of arguement. You cannot argue 2nd Amendment but not protect the entire Constitution. I leave it up to the person, it is their decision, theirs to live with. Mind your own business and if you want to get involved protect the kids that are alive and in school.

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