Learning how to fly fish.

               I have been out fishing 3 times this year. I am learning how to fly fish. It is not exactly easy. It is a lot of fun. You keep busy and can really see when the fish is going to hit the lure. I have been to 6 different spots and have not had much luck.

                  I have been having a hard time finding consistency with my cast. Sometimes I snap it, sometimes I don’t let the line come all the way back before coming forward and my presentation is pretty weak. On top of that when I get a bite I am having a hard time setting the hook. I have missed at least 5 or 6 fish because of my inability to set the hook.

          I have only caught 2 fish this year. As 7 inch bass and a 5 and half inch trout. After a while today I switched to a red worm and bobver set up and I was getting slit of bites just couldnt get anything in. Although while fly fishing I had about an 8 inch trout on the line but I fell trying to grab the line and lost it. I did curse out loud, but I at least know I can catch them.

               This fishing season has started slow because of the slow warm up in our area. The fish weren’t biting really well but are now starting to hit. So I will keep at the fly fishing and hopefully get better and catch fish regularly. But I guess we shall see.

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The first day of trout.

               Today was opening day for trout in Luzerne County, Pa. People were walking away after catching their limit in under an hour. I saw a guy with a brook trout that was about 20 inches. For the first 2 hours people were yanking them out one right after another. At about 1030 it ended and by the time we latter, 3 hours later, no one was catching anything.

               I went with my brother and his girlfriends kid. The little boy cast out and caught a 7 inch small mouth bad in less than a minute. He caught another little one about 15 minutes later and that was it for him. We there for about an hour when my brother caught a guppy (really small bass), and that was it for him. After 1030 they did not get another bite.

              I was learning how to fly fish today. First time doing it and it was a mess at times. Casting was a little difficult, but I got the hang of it as the day went on. From 815-1030 I had about 7 bites, I caught one 7 inch small mouth bass. I was having a difficult time setting the hook and it caused me to lose at least 5 fish. It was a learning experience, I did have a good time.

               So all in all day one was a wash, enjoyable, but a wash. It was the first time I ever went for opening day of trout season. The park rangers said it was the first day catch in quite a few years. So maybe my next day will very better, lop, I am a fish repeller.

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First day of trout fishing is fast approaching.

                 About 3 years ago I started fishing again. I hadnt done it since I was about 20, it was a good 15 years in between. I started off taking my wife and kids, we didn’t catch much the first year. A bunch of blue gills was about all. Year 2 I didn’t go much because I was in physical and aquamarine therapy, it chewed up about 3 hours a day. Again we caught mostly blue gills, my wife did catch a 15 inch bass, we were really excited.

                   Last year I went by myself usually, my kids are a little older didn’t want to go and my wife stayed with them. I am about the worst fisherman you will ever meet. I can fish right next to a guy who is catching everything, use the same bait as him, some poles, sane everything and I will catch nothing. Don’t get me wrong, I do catch fish, just nothing overly large. I caught a lot of blue gill, some perch, trout and even a few small mouth bass. I caught my first fish on a lure and tried fly fishing.
                   I bought a fly rod and I am going to use it quite a bit this year. Last year the biggest fish I caught was about 10 inches, I want to catch a big one this year. I am really pumped and can’t wait to get out there. I will bring my fly rod and a regular rod. I will use night crawlers, meal worms and even some red worms. I will say with all seriousness that if I catch a 20 inch fish I will probably fall over.

             All that being said I have 6 days until I get out there and try to catch some fish. Maybe this is the year the fish won’t be safe when I am around. Here’s hoping.

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