The pitiful state of bigotry in the U.S.

                Recently when speaking to someone about President Obama I asked why the person didn’t like him. They told me that they didn’t know much about his policies, they just don’t like him. Everything they said about him came from conspiracy theory sights. They don’t like him for several reasons, the first being his color. This person doesn’t believe in Immigration Reform, kick them out is their answer and his support for Same Sex Marraige.

This is a very common theme amongst conservatives. They complained about the Unemployment Rate, he lowered it and it wasn’t good enough. They complained about jobs, the job numbers have risen 19 out of the last 20 months. They complain about his scandals, Benghazi, the IRS, the AP and a Marine holding an umbrella for him. These are for the most part manufactured scandals or completely blown out of proportion. George W. Bush started 2 wars that were unpaid for, crashed the economy, deregulated the banking industry and created the largest income gap in nearly 100 years. But Republicans say that is the past, but what we do affects our children. Didnt Bush’s actions affect the next group?

The Republican party at times have been outright racist. Calling Mexicans wetbacks and Homosexuals perverted and sick in their head. To hear an elected official speak like this is despicable. People not in elected office reserve the right to speak that way but an elected official does not. Being in that position you are held to a higher standard. To put the country on the backburner in order to facilitate some grudge is ridiculous.

Democrats either are not bigots or are better at hiding it. I have not heard of a Democrat getting ripped for bigoted remarks. What many People don’t realize is compromise is very important to a Democratic government. Our government is not broke, it is being held hostage by rich white men and women who are throwing a temper tantrum.

Lt. Governor nominee E.W. Jackson won’t apologize for hate speeches because he is a Christian.

                  The Republican nominee for Lt. Governor of Virginia says that he is a Christian and has no reason to apologize for his history of hate speech against the LGBT community, liberals and abortion providers. It was only after African-American minister E.W. Jackson won the nomination at the Va. Republican convention last week that anyone became aware of his hate speeches. He has a history of saying gay people were perverted and sick people psychologically.

Last year he said that homosexuality is a horrible sin, it poisons cultures, it destroys families, it destroys societies and it brings the judgement of God unlike very few things that we can think of. He compares Democrats to slave masters and compared Planned Parenthood to the KKK. “Liberalism and their ideas have done more to kill black folks, whom they claim so much to love than the KKK, lynching, slavery and Jim Crow ever did and that’s a fact”, Jackson said in a 2012 interview. This is a steady choice for any political office.

He says the things he says because he is a Christian, not because he hates anyone. His religious values really matter to him and he will not rephrase or apologize for anything he said. He also said that people should not paint him as one dimensional.

Jackson is a virtual unknown who has never held public office. He has grabbed headlines in recent days as Democrats rightly pointed out his past comments on abortion, race and homosexuality. The more that is learned about Jackson, the crazier it gets. He praised the Constitutions original clause to count blacks as 3/5s of a person as an anti-slavery amendment. The context of this statement was to attack President Obama after a pastor at a church service he attended referred to the 3/5s clause as a historical marker of racism.
Jackson misses the fact that the very existence of the 3/5s clause meant that slavery was written into the Constitution. In that sense, unlike the 13th Amendment which banned slavery altogether, the 3/5s clause was pretty much the opposite of an anti-slavery amendment. The fact that an elected law maker thinks like this, shows the depths the Republican party has sank to.

The Republicans and their constituents continue to go further into the nut house to grab these nominees. Their tenuous grasp on reality does not help their inabilty to truly grasp the Constitution. This is a major reason the Republican party has lost more than they have won recently. The inability of the party to recognize their extreme ideology is pushing normal people away and drawing crazies like bugs to a light, is quite alarming. If the Democrats begin acting like this I will become an Independent, I will not be beholden to a nut job.

Rush Limbaugh is a clown.

              I as well as any other normal American realizes that Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite, liar, drug addict as well as a bigot. My local radio does not have any liberal shows on. So being busy today I listened to conservative radio. It helps prepare you for when you debate a conservative on Twitter or in person.

                  Rush Limbaugh connected the guys who kidnapped those three girls who were found in Cleveland. How I do not know and I was listening. He said people were eating Gluten Free foods, not just because of Celiacs disease, but because of a diet fad. He also somehow connected Celiacs dosease with Jason Collins. How? Why? How does he get away with things like this.

                  Rush Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke in no uncertain terms a whore. He continuously throws hid bigoted ideas out there into crazy land inflaming hatred for our lawmakers. Republicans are not always immune from this lunatics attacks. Democrats are the devilish, as well as anyone who disagrees with him.

                Twitter has cost him many advertisers because of his callous way of speaking about others. His preposterous attacks on President Obama are almost in line with fellow crazies Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity. These people need a beep button, so we don’t have to deal with this bologna anymore. Hold them responsible for their actions like we hold anyone else responsible.

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Republican party seems to find their way to the wrong side of social issues.

                  DOMA has been called a mistake and a bad piece of legislature by Bill Clinton, the president who signed it into law. The American public supports gay marriage, Democrats support it, people in the Republican party support it, but only 3 out of 277 Republican elected representaives support it. Why again does the conservative movement stick with antiquated ideas? Why do they refuse to acknowledge the people?

              The answer to these questions I believe are simple. Look at who and how many contributed to Mitt Romneys campaign. He raised alot of money from alot less people. The answer lies there. It is in the money, the contributors drive these ideals and provide the funds to keep them alive. Without the influx of billionaires money the Republican party would have to adapt and truly change their message. Until the money dries up nothing will change.

            To say people only get married to procreate is ridiculus. How many people get married and dont have children, are you going to revoke their right to marry. Allowing homosexuals to get married will not ruin the institution of marriage, I dont belive it can be ruined. If it could divorce would have finished it off. Please dont bring religion into this, it does not belong there. If you want religion in government, move to Iran and see how you like it there.

                We need to look at this like the civil rights movement. When we look back at segregation and the way African Americans were once treated it makes most of us sick. This is only 45 or 50 years ago. In 1967 the Supreme Court repealed a ban on Interacial Marriages. So there is a precedent set for the Supreme Court to get involved in cases like this.

               Hearing Hillary Clinton, President Obama and Joe Biden come out for gay marriage gives me hope. Many other Democrats also vocally support this. Everyone deserves to be treated equally, we are the United States. I really hope we can get past this bigotry and move forward to real issues. This shouldnt even be an issue.

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Republican party seems to find their way to the wrong side of social issues.

                  DOMA has been called a mistake and a bad piece of legislature by Bill Clinton, the president who signed it into law. The American public supports gay marriage, Democrats support it, people in the Republican party support it, but only 3 out of 277 Republican elected representaives support it. Why again does the conservative movement stick with antiquated ideas? Why do they refuse to acknowledge the people?

              The answer to these questions I believe are simple. Look at who and how many contributed to Mitt Romneys campaign. He raised alot of money from alot less people. The answer lies there. It is in the money, the contributors drive these ideals and provide the funds to keep them alive. Without the influx of billionaires money the Republican party would have to adapt and truly change their message. Until the money dries up nothing will change.

            To say people only get married to procreate is ridiculus. How many people get married and dont have children, are you going to revoke their right to marry. Allowing homosexuals to get married will not ruin the institution of marriage, I dont belive it can be ruined. If it could divorce would have finished it off. Please dont bring religion into this, it does not belong there. If you want religion in government, move to Iran and see how you like it there.

                We need to look at this like the civil rights movement. When we look back at segregation and the way African Americans were once treated it makes most of us sick. This is only 45 or 50 years ago. In 1967 the Supreme Court repealed a ban on Interacial Marriages. So there is a precedent set for the Supreme Court to get involved in cases like this.

               Hearing Hillary Clinton, President Obama and Joe Biden come out for gay marriage gives me hope. Many other Democrats also vocally support this. Everyone deserves to be treated equally, we are the United States. I really hope we can get past this bigotry and move forward to real issues. This shouldnt even be an issue.

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The Republican party wants to protect us from government, but who will protect us from them.

               The Republican party, Tea Party, conservatives claim to be defenders of our Constitution, our rights. They defend the 2nd Amendment so we can protect ourselves from a Socialist takeover, government overstepping its rights. But if you take a minute to look at what is actually happening in our country, you will see through the veil of deception.

             Words mean little when your actions contradict them. A Conservative cry for smaller government, less spending, balance the budget and no more tax hikes. The Conservatives are fiscal watch dogs now, many were in government during Bush 43, where were those cries for fiscal responsibility then. Instead they let him put 2 wars on credit cards with the payments coming due now. That is not fiscal responsibility, it is insanity. The Democrats also shoulder part of this blame because they let it happen.

               Any responsible individual knows that you cannot balance a budget by spending cuts alone, it is in most cases not possible. Usually a person will get another job to create mire REVENUE to balance their budget. If Paul Ryan is so smart, why does his budget use savimgs from something he wants to repeal, if it doesnt exist there are no savings. The CBO said the best way to balance it is with balanced approach of spending cuts and revenue. Taxes, in the form of closing loppholes that cost us billions each year.

             How do conservatives plan to have a smaller government when they are telling us who we can marry, whether a woman can get an abortion. How does this contribute to a smaller government. Republicans are forcing their way into private and life changimg decisions where they dont belong. How is this small government?

              It seems the only right Republicans want to protect is the 2nd Amendment. They want to take away your right to vote, reproduction, equality, marriage, what is next. What if these guns for protection are turned on the Republican party? Will they be getting enough money to protect that right then?

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The wonderful world of Michele Bachman.

        1) Carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful. But there isnt one study out there that shows that carbon dioxide is a harmful gas.
        2) If we took away the minimum wage- if concievably it was gone- we could potentially vitually wipeout unemployment completely because we would be able to offer jobs at whatever level.  
        3) Not all cultures are equal.
        4) A woman ( Terry Schiavo) was healthy. There was brain damage, there was no question. But from a health point of view, she was not terminally ill.
        5) Normalization of gayness through desentization, a very effective way to do this with a bunch if second graders. Is to take a picture of the Lion King for instance. The teacher might say ” Do you know the music from this movie was written by a gay man?” The message is, I am better at what I do bevause I am gay.
         6) What a bizarre time we are in when a judge will say to little children that you cant say the Pledge of Allegiance, but you must learn that homosexuality is normal and you should try it.
         7) I wish the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out, are they pro-American or anti-American.
         8) President Obama will be taking a trip to India that is expected to cost the taxpayers of $200 million per day.
          9) There is a commonality between Iraq and the Mall of America, in that its on that proportion. There is marble everywhere. The other thing I remarked about is that there is water everywhere.
         10) I think if wr gave Glenn Beck the numbers he can solve the National Debt.
         11) We will talk a little bit about what had transpired in the last 18 months under the Obams administration and would we count what has transpired into turning our country into a nation of slaves.
         12) The big thing we are working on now is this Global Warming hoax. It is all voodoo, nonsense, hokum, a hoax.
         13) I know for my family the only Census question we will be answering, is how many people are in our home. We wont be answering any information beyond that, because the Constitution does not require any information beyond that. ( It is Constitutionally illegal not to fill out the whole census.)

               I cant make this up, only a certifiably crazy person would say these things. I dont understand how this person is a member of our government.

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DOMA, everyone is entitled to pursue happiness.

                  I realize that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was signed into law by Bill Clinton. It even passed both houses. I will make no excuse for this. For a government to determine who can get married is wrong. The Constitution us not a tool to attack certain race,sex or sexual orientation. It is a tool to help Democracy thrive.

                   If two people want to get married, who are we to deny that right. It doesnt matter if it is 2 men, women, talking horses or a man and woman. There is nothing in the Constitution that states otherwise. To take the side of a religous institution violates our 1st Amendment rights. There is not an established religion in the U.S. for a reason. We have religous FREEDOM.

                  I heard the arguement that people only get married to procreate. What if a man and woman get married and dont have any children. Should they not be allowed to be married? This is why we try to seperate church and state. A governing official does not have the right to push his religion upon me. So religiin should gave nothing to do with the DOMA decision.

                This is a simple matter, LET THEM GET MARRIED! Why deny a human being their right to pursue happiness because you disagree with their choice. It is their choice not yours. Let them make it.

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How to amend the Constitution.

             Proposing an amendment can be done by Congrees or states. Both houses of Congress must propose the amendment by a 2/3 vote. These is how current amendments have been offered. 2/3 of the states legislatures must call on Congress to have a Constitutional Convention. Regardless of how any amendment is proposed, it must be ratified by the states. 3/4 of the states legislatures must approve of amendment proposed by congress. 3/4 of the states must approve the ratifying convention. This method was used once to repeal prohibition (21st amendment). Since the 18th amendment Congress has set a term of 7 years for ratification. Only 33 amendments recieved 2/3 vote from both houses. Only 27 have been ratified.

                Of the 6 amendments not ratified 4 are still pending. Congressional Apportionment Amendment (1789), was proposed as a means to ensure a minimum representation for the common people in the bew U.S. government. The Titles of Nobility Amendment (1810), would strip U.S.. citizenship from any citizen who accepted a title of nobility from a foreign country. The Corwin Amendment (1861), would forbid subsequent attempts to amend the Constitution to empower Congress to “abolish or interfere” with the “domestic institutions ” of the states, including persons held to labor or service (slavery). The Child Labor Amendment (1924), would regulate labor if persons under the age of 18. Interest in this amendment waned following The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, which implemented federal regulations of child labor with the Supreme Court approval in 1941.

             The 2 which expired included the Equal Rights Amendment (1972), was designed to give equal rights to women. The ERA was originall written by Alice Paul in 1923. In 1972 it passed both houses and went to states for ratification, it never recieved enough votes and expired in 1982. The District of Columbia Voting Rights Amendment (1978), would have given the District of Columbia full representation in the U.S. congress, full representation in the Electoral College System, it expired on Aug. 22, 1985.

                  Some say it is to hard to ratify the Constitution, if course others disagree. You need 290 member of the House, 67 Senators, both houses of the state legislatures in 38 states. Given our political climate this is close to impossible. But the writers of our Constitution wanted it to be easy to consider changes, yet want them to carefully considered. They want to make sure the amendment had the full support of the nation, therefore it is more difficult to ratify. Another arguement could be that they didnt anticipate the size and population of our country while writing this.

               It some cases this is a good thing, like when the Republican party tried to amend the Constitution to keep homosexuals from getting married. It didnt have enough support so it never happened. Now states are letting LGBT couples get married, some not all. The Democrats helped stop that amendment from happening. But as the political climate changes in our country maybe we will see more ratifications. I hoppe we do, some changes need to be made and the Constitution might be the place to start. I got alot of information on amending the Constitition from Wikipedia, if you are interested in more information. Thank you.

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What would god ask of you?

                   I am not a practicing Catholic although I do believe in god. I grew up Catholic but moved away from the religion as I grew older. This is a question I heard on TV today. It was a strange question. Most of what you hear on the news is bad or crazy or just nonsense.

                   This is a good question for Catholics and non-Catholics alike. For me it is easy to answer but has a couple of parts. God is not going to ask me to do anything I cannot do. I am pretty sure everyone has heard the expression that god will not give you more than you can handle. So in effect that question kind of answers itself.

                    The second part is that god wants you to be a good person. I dont have to go to church to know what is right or wrong. That is what your conscience is for. This is your internal confessional. When you are wrong your conscience lets you know. This is a gift god gave almost all of us. Some not so much, maybe they stepped out of line when it was being handed out, Republicans. Many of them claim they are Catholics but do nothing to prove it. Going to church means nothing.

                 Third is that god wouldnt want a good man to watch bad things happen. When we see something wrong we need to do something. We cannot watch innocents get hurt and claim we are good people. God would not want anyone to be hurt if someone could stop it.

                 Last would be tolerance. We need to be more tolerant. Enough of attacking people because of color, creed, sexuality, political preference or anything. We all suffer the human condition, we all make mistakes. Hate and intolerance are not working. Lets change it, wise up , practice what is preached.

                  But then again what do I know. I am a lapsed Catholic. I think these things would help, I feel it would help. The Catholic church says god works through us. So maybe god is working through me.

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