Conservatives refuse to acknowledge Bush 43.

             Yesterday on Twitter I debated one, then several Republicans. Started off with one, then it became 6. I do not understand how their set of facts and truths are so different from mine. Nor do I understand how they refuse to blame George W. Bush for anything. I actually had one tell me that Bush was trying to fix the Banks, according to them he did not deregulate anything.

As the conversation went on, they blamed Bill Clinton and President Obama for everything that happened during Bush 43’s 2 terms. According to these people Clinton caused the financial collapse and housing market collapse. Bush did nothing to cause this, although he was President for 7 years when all of this happened. According to these people the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were run properly and there was no hidden agenda.

They blame President Obama for not creating jobs, but put no blame on Republican led House, although they shot down a Veterans Jobs Bill and a Jobs Bill. Collectively they would have created as many as 1.5 million jobs, effectively lowering the 7.6 unemployment rate and helping economy. They do not recognize this as happening. They attack President Obama about Benghazi, but say the 11 embassy attacks and near 60 deaths in Bush term were acceptable because we were at war. War on Terror is still in progress, not all embassy attacks happened in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The whole Republican party philosophy shows here. If they cannot convince you that act like young children. Yes it devolved to them calling names and cursing. If you disagree with their views, you are dumb, stupid, a terrorist and a Muslim. Apparently religious views are no longer protected by their beloved Constitution, which Democrats protect more. This is why Congress is in gridlock. Republicans have own facts and refuse to acknowledge any other views. In my experience many, not all are bigoted, short sighted people. It only matters when it happens to them. Of Trayvon Martin was their child, their opinion of him being responsible for own death would be different. We live in a country of many views and ethnicities, people need to be more open minded.

The Gop should focus less on scandals and more on policy.

                  If the last few months are any indication the Republicans are more worried about hurting President Obama’s legacy than creating jobs. While all of their focus has been on exploiting scandals our economy is recovering, the Market has set all time highs and stayed there. They focus on scandals and President Obama’s policy have gotten the unemployment rate below 8% where it has stayed.

Focusing on scandals backfired in 1998, when Republicans were trying to smear then President Bill Clinton. He was the first incumbent President to retain all of his party’s seats. Policy means more than exploiting scandals. These manufactured scandals have not done much to harm the President’s approval rating.

The Republicans have had the majority in the House for over 2 years and have not created any jobs. In fact they caused job losses with their support of the Sequester. How do Republicans think they are going to connect President Obama with the IRS scandal? At what point would he have sent personalized letter head to a lower level employee to do something illegal. It is a witch hunt to take the focus off of his agenda.

Republicans kept complaining that Democrats didn’t have a budget. Now they have one and Republicans don’t want to come to the table to work on it. For liberals and Democrats it bodes well for our candidates that Republicans are focused on scandals. They have a short attention span anyway and will forget what they said yesterday. The Republicans will do something soon to take the focus off of these fake scandals.

DOMA, everyone is entitled to pursue happiness.

                  I realize that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was signed into law by Bill Clinton. It even passed both houses. I will make no excuse for this. For a government to determine who can get married is wrong. The Constitution us not a tool to attack certain race,sex or sexual orientation. It is a tool to help Democracy thrive.

                   If two people want to get married, who are we to deny that right. It doesnt matter if it is 2 men, women, talking horses or a man and woman. There is nothing in the Constitution that states otherwise. To take the side of a religous institution violates our 1st Amendment rights. There is not an established religion in the U.S. for a reason. We have religous FREEDOM.

                  I heard the arguement that people only get married to procreate. What if a man and woman get married and dont have any children. Should they not be allowed to be married? This is why we try to seperate church and state. A governing official does not have the right to push his religion upon me. So religiin should gave nothing to do with the DOMA decision.

                This is a simple matter, LET THEM GET MARRIED! Why deny a human being their right to pursue happiness because you disagree with their choice. It is their choice not yours. Let them make it.

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When I hear you speak……… 2

             When I hear Elizabeth Warren speak I am elated to know we have an intelkegent passionate Senator who will attack the banks. I think she will attack any wrong doer with facts and intellegent solutions. She asks for answers and is not satisfied until she gets them. But at the same time she does not treat a person telling the truth, good or bad like an idiot.

            When I hear Mike Lee speak it makes me question how he got into government. He obviously only believes in the parts of the Constitution that work with his agenda. He believes in nullification which is unconstitutional yet says he is a protector of the document. I wonder which psych ward opened its doors and let him out.

             When I hear Bill Clinton speak I immeadiatly think of Monica Lewinsky. I realize he is a good man and an excelkent president but this is what I think of. I also think that he seems like a good egg I would like to share a couple beers with.

             When I hear Michelle Bachman speak I shake my head. This is another case of who let the loon out of her cage. She says some awfully outlandish things. It scares me to think that she was in the running for president. Seriously what assclowns supported that terrible idea.

             When I hear Mitt Romney speak I am glad I dont have to hear him very often. He may have been a good governor, but he was a hortible presidential candidate. It really doesnt say much for a party when this robot is your candidate. Sorry Mitt, but enjoy your lifetime siesta.

              When I hear Sarah Palin speak I stop listening. She is very hard on the ears.

              When I hear Rush Limbaugh speak I cant decide exactly how he makes me feel. It is a mixture of rage, sickness and pity. Rage because truth does not have a place on his show. Sick because some of the things he says are incredibly offensive, even to me. Pity because he has so many fools believing his crap.

                When I hear Rachel Maddow speak I am impressed. She has her staff on point doing the research and always has a factual answer. She is very sensible and sides with the intellegent and correct side of the debate. She seems unflappable, but of course she is a host and not in government. She is universally hated by conservatives, Tea Party member and Republicans. You go girl.

              This the second one if these. I enjoy this and encourage anyone who reads this to please give your input. If you have anyone you want here, let me know. Thank you.

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