Bank of America lies to homeowners in order to foreclose on them.

              Bank of America, one of the nations largest mortgage servicers, intentionally, knowingly and routinely falsifies paperwork and lies to homeowners in order to remove them from their homes. This is according to Banking Industry insiders and former employees. The latest in the growing list of Civil Suits against BOA has produced affadavits from 6 former employees alleging the bank actively and systematically decieved homeowners and sought foreclosures over modifications that would have kept people in their homes.

A seventh signed affidavit from an employee who worked for one of the bank’s contractors, reinforces the picture of a company wide culture of profits over people. Even a blatant defiance of facts. The banks handling of foreclosures and home loan modifications has drawn the ire of the Federal Government. The documents are part of a lawsuit over the bank’s handling of trial loan modifications under the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP), created by the Obama administration. The employees, who worked anywhere from loan origination to collections to reviewing internal loan databases, contend that BOA used a variety of internal policies to discourage loan modifications. The bank encouraged foreclosures, even when loan documents showed the bank’s reasons for foreclosing were untrue.

Blitzing was one method BOA used. Twice a month they instructed case managers to deny any HAMP application more than 60 days old, regardless of whether the information was complete or not. BOA gave $500 bonuses for filling forclosure quotas. An employee who placed 10 or more accounts into foreclosure in a given month got a $500 bonus. They also gave gift cards to Target and Bed, Bath and Beyond for rewards. BOA lied to clients about documentation. Bank policy was to sit on financial documents for 30 days, then label them stale, then require homeowners to reapply.

The sum of allegations is that the bank falsifies documents and knowingly forclosed on borrowers who were in full compliance with modification plans. HAMP, was the Democrats and President Obama’s biggest initiative to the foreclosure crisis. It should have helped 800,000 more people than it did. BOA has already spent $45 billion to settle claims tied to its takeover of Countrywide Financial Corp. Despite settlements like BOA’s, the government has prosecuted more protesters than it has banks, and abuses continue.

The manipulation of the program depicted in these affidavits is more evidence that direct principal reduction would be a more effective use of government housing funds than HAMP’s attempted partnership with banks. Senator Elizabeth Warren has been attacking banks about their shady practices. She has been met with terrific resistance by the Republican party. It seems that they support corporate greed.

Is it really illegal to steal?

               Since the crash of Wall Street this question is weighing heavily on my mind. How much money was really lost? How much did banks lose, truly lose? How many people were bankrupted? How many people lost their homes illegally? Does our country treat those with money differently? Elizabeth Warren went after the answers & they were disturbing.

           If a junkie goes into a corner store & robs it, he will be arrested. He will then serve time in prison. If a bank illegally forecloses on the property, the owner has to fight in court to get it back. Then nothing will happen to the bank. Why? That is stealing & misrepresenting themselves, police & judges. Yet no one from that banks is arrested & put away. How is that possible, the bank actually broke more laws. Is it because John Boehner, Mitch Mcconnell & the Republican party protect these banks. Do you think the banking industry contributes some of their $100 or so milion in lobbying to them.

            What about these banks getting bailouts? They recieved TARP funds from George Bush & Republicans who forced Democrats into giving it out. None of that money was paid back. They get bailed out while the guy with a pension or 401k gets fleeced. They lost everything because of careless & barely legal practices by these banks. Who then turn around & give million dollar bonuses to  CEOs & workers who caused this problem. Is this not a crime?

            How about Natural Gas Drilling companies polluting peoples drinking water & not being charged. State & Local governments giving them a free ride, no taxes, to destroy our land & poison us. No crime there of course. What about companies robbing us of good paying jobs by sending them overseas. Then getting a tax break for it. By doing this they are destroying our manufacturing base for short term profits. It is being encouraged by the Republican party.

             The banks selling toxic assets, not claiming all profits on tax returns. President Obama & his administration has tried to stop these things. He tried to return America back to Americans. For this he has been called a socialist, communist, fascist, has been accused of trying to take your guns, trying to steal your money. These accusations are made by a party with nothing to offer everyday Americans. They called 47% of us leeches.

            President Obama & the Democrats have fought to preserve our right to vote. Our right to free speech. The only rights the Republican party defend are your gun rights & the free market, which is not a right or in the Constitution. All I have shown here was theft by the banking industry, have any of them gone jail? NO! Will they? Heres hoping.

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